Thursday, January 18, 2018

Moving West

PTP has decided to relocate to the Southwest as it prepares to begin filming the up and coming trilogy of the Load Warrior, Beyond Condom Dome, and Furry Road. There are may parts to cast for anyone who wants to move out west. Its not very glamorous and it makes Florida seem like a resort area. Things are a little different here. However, binding non-disclosures prevent us from discussing the details of the current arrangement. We can say that the lead role in the adaptation of the sort of based on Mad Max films set in the post-apocalyptic future will be played by Vodoo Xue and his side kick, the only girl to audition for the part, played by PonyGirl. For more information gonna have to take a really long bus ride; takes a few days though. Early picture of the new studio and cast on location.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Coming Soon

With N.U.N.S. of Anarchy in edit, we were discussing some options of what to do next. We had several ideas but during the filming of N.U.N.S. we happened upon a PonyGirl and it has opened some new doors. The story of how the PonyGirl finds her way into the coming series of the Load Warrior trilogy as she stars in I, Pony. It's a heart warming story about the little Ponygirl that could as only PTP could tell it. Written by Mud but as usual inspired by the muse of Nibbler.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Are you ready to be MIMERIZED?

Some said it couldn't be done. Some said it wouldn't be done. Most said it shouldn't be done. But if we didn't do it nobody was going to. Tonight is; unless for some unfortunate twist of fate that delays it for a day, the grand premier of "TIT", the story Skinnythighs the Mime that plagues the town of Jupiter, Florida. We will post notices and links when it is ready for your viewing pleasure. It is going to be Mimerizing and unlike just about anything you have ever seen before...pretty sure about that given the people working on it and the various influences that led to its writing and creation. It is a must see in the world of adult entertainment.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Pink Taco Production Casting Call

At PTP we film first and then spend a lot of time on edits. We have multiple releases coming up soon including Bi-Felicia, Tit, and some others yet to be named. The process doesn't happen over night. Consider how long it takes for the next 8 episodes of GOT and well we aren't HBO so, these things take time. What doesn't take time is coming up with new ideas. There are some projects we want to shoot. One started yesterday...N.U.N.S. of Anarchy a story based on real events in Jupiter. If you want to know the background or history of this or are interested in a part stop on by. The story was inspired and co-written by Nibbler the PTP Porn Muse, who also has a leading role in the film. She can tell you about it as well. Nibbler became the PTP Porn Muse because I can be talking about something and she will say the right thing at the right time that makes the idea fall into place.  

Jay is going to be picking out the lead roles for his trilogy as well, so if you are interested in a part as one of the members of an all girl band working to the top, name to be released this week, Jay is around during SL day time hours generally.  You can send him a note, pictures, etc if you can't be in the office when he is or whatever to further your case for the leading role in this future trilogy. 

With 1 project released, 3 projects in edits and a couple in the works it would seem that PTP after 30 days and multiple moves is off to a good start.

Jupiter Comic-Con 2018

The first Comic-Con of Jupiter was well attended by some interesting characters. From the despicable to those of wonder there were all kinds in attendance. The final decision of King or Queen has not been decided but if you have comments for this please leave them here to help us decide. Thanks to Kas at the Dinner for Catering and all of you who showed up and made this an enjoyable time. Sansa was able to defeat the Mime's performance enhancement record on the bull ride. The day allowed for the opening scene for N.U.N.S. of Anarchy to be filmed and we will be casting for that and are still in video and sound edits on some other projects.

Wonder Woman Vs Derick



Kas and Jay the Hammer


Saturday, January 6, 2018

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Bring Out The Agents

We now have three agents to assist our PTP Stars. Their names are Jay, Bleu, and Vee. Their office is located across the street from the Studio on the 3rd Floor of the Record Building. Jay is usually around about 10am SLT most days and Bleu and Vee are in and out between 2pm SLT and 9pm SLT most days. We try to keep schedules and dress codes pretty relaxed but you can look them up in the PTP contact list and leave them a message. They will have information on this Saturday's Production, what to wear, when to be there and all that sort of information. So, stop by and see an agent when you can I'm sure they can help you get the part you want somehow. Jay is an aspiring script writer and has developed a Trilogy and has been told to begin putting together his vision of who to play the leads in it and to seek backing from local businesses to help with production costs, he may need some help gaining community favor and I'm sure he will appreciate any help out Stars can provide. Welcome them aboard.

(Agents can help prepare for roles and provide support in all sorts of ways. Get to know your agent today)

Monday, January 1, 2018

New Year's Eve Bull Ride Challenge

To bring in the New Year PTP presented a challenge to its Stars. This was to beat the current high score on the mechanical bull in the Bar and there were glorious prizes to be had for the winners as always in the glamours life of entry level porn. I'm not certain who all made the attempt to beat the record but I am aware of who broke it.  The goal was to have 5 PTP STAR names on the Board and erase the memory of Chong Diabolito from the history of Mechanical Bull Riding. PTP Stars moved him from 1st place to 4th am proud to announce the winners. While the Porn Mime Slut Slingshot had the longest ride, he has been disqualified for the use of performance enhancers. He shot three scenes that day and I know he took performance enhancers because I gave them to him. It does not take much imagination to look at the picture and see how such enhancers could help one stay in the saddle a little longer and then return later to take a photo. He neither confirmed or denied this but he did not argue and left quietly. My experience indicates this was an admission of guilt. Our winners are:

First Place: Sansa
Second Place: Kali Cupcake

Two of our newest and most likely to appear in a cowgirl position scene Stars here at PTP in the very near future.